12 Content Ideas For Your Hotel's Blog
Running a blog isn’t always easy (trust me, I know!), but it is one of the best ways to attract audiences, gain traffic and promote yourself. Most blogs begin well, but then slowly but surely start posting fewer posts, on repeating subjects, because they simply run out of original ideas.
To help out, I’ve put together a list of content ideas for your hotel’s blog.
REMEMBER! The number one thing blogs get wrong is not providing enough original and useful content. My top tip is to put yourself in the shoes of your audiences. What things do you want to know when you go travelling? What would make you click and share an article? Don’t just think, I’ve got to promote, promote, promote all the time – that tactic won’t work.
1. Photography
They say a picture says more than a thousand words, and they don’t say it for no reason! By far one of the most engaging pieces of content is photography – and you want to show off your hotel, right?
You probably already have a photo gallery somewhere on your site, so you don’t just want to repeat that on your blog (although you can direct them to it of course!).
Some ideas:
- Take photographs of the different seasons/weather experienced at your Hotel’s location
- Photograph surrounding areas/villages
- Visit local events happening in surrounding areas and take photographs